44. Public transport, travelling

What benefits does public transport bring to the world?

Why do people like to use public transport?

0h, public transport offers many benefits to society. For one thing, it can help reduce traffic congestion on the roads, which makes travel faster and more efficient for everyone. Plus, using public transport is much better for the environment than driving a car, as it helps to reduce carbon emissions and air pollution And if you're looking to save money, public transport can be a lot more affordable than owning and maintaining a car. Another great thing about public transport is that it offers mobility options for people who might not have access to a personal vehicle. Whether you're elderly, have a disability, or just can't afford a car, public transport can help you get around and access the things you need And since public transport means fewer cars on the road, it also helps reduce the need for parking spaces, which can free up space for other things. But the benefts of public transport aren't just practical - there are social and economic benefits as well. Public transport can create job opportunities in the transport sector, contribute to the economic growth of a city or region, and make it easier for people to access employment and other opportunities It can also reduce social isolation and improve access to social and cultural events, making cities more vibrant and diverse. Finally, public transport is generally safer than driving a car Accidents involving public transport are Jo common, and injuries tend to be less severe So all in all, there are a lot of benefits put transport brings to the world.

What problems arise when lots of people travel to work at the same time?

What difficulties do commuters face during rush hours?

Oh, I think that the main problem which arises when people commute to work in the rush hour is peak-hour traffic congestion. All the other problems are the consequences of traffic jams, to my mind. But there are quite a few of them. For example, roadblocks usually lead to longer commuting and delays which may result in late arrival for employment, meetings and education as it's just impossible to forecast travel time accurately. It concerns both people using public transport and driving their own cars. As far as the problems for the latter are concerned, I'd also mention a higher chance of collisions due to tight spacing and constant stopping-and-going, and wasted fuel owing to increased idling, acceleration and braking. Well, and of course, 1 just can't help mentioning such problems as crowdedness, time wasting, noise pollution and stress caused by all the problems I've just mentioned.

What is good and bad about travelling by plane?

Why do more and more people like to travel by plane?

Well, as far as the advantages of travelling by plane are concerned, they are speed, comfort and security, to my mind. Travelling_by plane is the fastest way to reach some destination at a great distance, and the main benefit it provides people with is saving_ a lot of time. It's also the most comfortable way of travelling which offers many options for entertainment, a chance to pull out the computer and get some work done and even an opportunity to catch up on your sleep if you are tired and the flight is long. Oh, and it's one of the safest ways to travel as well.T he disadvantages of this type of travelling I can come up with are the cost, as flying is more expensive than travelling by other means of transport, and some health side effects such as feeling sleepy and headachy because of low oxygen, getting dehydrated and having_ problems with ears because of air pressure.