46. Good decision

Do you think that parents should make important decisions for their children?

Do you think young people are easily influenced by others while they are making a decision?

Do you think that parents should make important decisions for their children? To my mind, everything depends on a child's maturity. If a decision is really crucial but a child is still living in a world of fantasy and doesn't clearly understand the rules of real life, of course, parents should interfere and give their kid a hand. They can share their huge experience which they accumulated throughout life in order to help their child avoid potential danger and learn to realize the consequences of different decisions. But if a child is psychologically mature and ready to take responsibility for their choices, I guess parts should accept their choices and decision viewing the happenings from the sideline This way, they will bring up a confident and independent child who will feel in control by themselves. 

At what age should children be allowed to make decisions on their own?

At what age can children make decisions on their own? Oh, I'd say kids can make decisions on their own at any age if it happens in a controlled setting_ with their parents as their guides or if it happens when parents see that their kids demonstrate maturity and readiness to make decisions relevant to their daily experience, What I mean is that children can make their own decisions when they are ready to make choices without their parents' help and are able to understand the information, use it to weigh the pros and cons and effectively communicate their decision defending their reasoning. So, I'd say age is not what it's about. 

Do parents in your country allow their children to make important decisions about the future?

Well, actually, it depends on the family and the age of a child. In some families parents treat their children as equals from an early age trusting them and giving a free hand. Children in such families are not only allowed but, I would even say, encouraged to make important decisions all by themselves. Of course, when kids are too young, parents provide them with some advice and support but the older they become, the less help they get. There are also a lot of families in my country in which parents are overprotective and don't let even their teenage children make decisions unassisted feeling certain that they know what their kids need much better and micromanaging them.