46. Describe someone you know made a good decision recently

You should say: ‣

what the decision was ‣

when it was ‣

who this person was ‣

why it was a good decision ,

how you felt about it

Sample Answer 

The person who recently made a great decision is my father. He decided to quit smoking after being a heavy smoker for many years.

You see, for him, smoking was such al necessary habit, just like eating and sleeping He smoked one cigarette after another and needed almost two packs of cigarettes per day. Considering the number of unsuccessful attempts he'd made before, my mom and thought he would be hooked on nicotine cigarettes until the end of his life. So when, I found out he decided to make one more attempt to quit smoking, you know, l was literally over the moon for him.

In the past, he tried to quit smoking by gradually reducing his intake, but it didn't work and he ended up going back to his old habit. So this time, he decided to quit cold turkey.

I can tell he's having a hard time getting used to life without cigarettes because nicotine is a highly addictive drug. l' be honest, I'm still afraid he might start smoking again. But super happy he made this choice because it shows he cares about his health. It's a proactive measure to reduce his risk of |, cancer and lower his risk of heart disease in the future. Plus, it is likely to increase his life expectancy over time. And I'm sure it's going to improve his breathing in the long run. And I can't help mentioning the fact that it sets a positive example for others around him. So, I hope he won't give up.