47. Describe a person who enjoys music

You should say

who this person is

how you know this person

what kind of music this person likes

why he or she thinks music is important

how you feel about this person

Sample Answer -

I've got a friend, Jack, who I consider a true music fan `cause he listens to music literally around the clock. But the only type of music he listens to is classical. One day, I asked Jack why he never listens to pop, rock, or any other genres. He said something like, 'Classical music is like fine wine. It has depth, richness, and complexity that you just can't find anywhere else. Plus, it's the only music that has those special vibrations that really make a difference. He says that the vibrations from this type music make people feel better and even hear them live better. Once he mentioned study showing classical music can lower stress, improve focus, and even boost the immune system. So, he's convinced that no other type of music has this power. Whenever we meet, Jack shares interesting facts about classical music. He knows a lot about famous composers like Mozart, Beethoven, and Bach. We actually listen to this music together. As I've said before, he listens to classical music literally all the time. I' exaggerating.

On the one hand, Jack's passion for music is truly inspiring. He's shown me that music can be more than just entertainment - it's a powerful force that enhances our lives and well-being. But on the other hand, it can be really annoying, especially when l'm feeling overwhelmed. Sometimes, I just want to have a quiet conversation without music in the background.