
I. Why do big companies introduce new products frequently?

In a competitive market, companies need to continuously innovate and introduce new products to stay ahead of their competitors. This is especially important in industries where technology is constantly evolving. Secondly, companies constantly conduct market research to identify new needs and preferences of their customers. Introducing new products that cater to these changing needs helps companies stay relevant and attract new customers. For example, if a company notices that more and more people are interested in sustainable products, it may introduce a line of eco-friendly products. Also, by introducing new products, a company can tap into new market segments and generate additional revenue This can be especially useful for companies that are looking to expand into new geographic regions or industries. For example, Coca introduces new flavors and products, such as Coke Energy, to attract new customers new customers and increase sales. Finally, companies may introduce new products as a way to refresh their brand and keep it relevant to consumers This can be especially important for companies that have been around for a long time and want to appeal to a younger generation of consumers.

ii. Why are people so keen on buying iPhones even though they haven't changed much from one to the next?

In my opinion, the main reason is that many people are loyal to the Apple brand and enjoy using their products. They feel a sense of satisfaction and pride in owning an iPhone, What's more, the iPhone is part of a larger ecosystem of products and services, including the App Store, iCloud, and Apple Music. This makes it an attractive option for people who are already invested in this ecosystem. People get used to this system very fast, and soon cannot do without it. Plus, even if the overall design of the iPhone hasn't changed much from one model to the next, each new model often includes new features and improvements that can make it an attractive option for people looking to upgrade. Finally, for some people, owning an iPhone is a status symbol. They may feel that it reflects their social standing or success.

iii. What technology do people currently use?

In today's world, it's hard to imagine our lives without the numerous technologies that have become an integral part of our daily routine. Among these, smartphones are perhaps the most widely used devices, offering us a plethora of features such as communication, entertainment, and productivity tools. Another popular device that provides us with flexibility in terms of work and internet browsing is laptops. Social media has taken over the world by storm and has become an inseparable part of modern life. With social media platforms people can connect with others and share their thoughts and experiences. Cloud storage services have made it effortless for us to store and access files from anywhere, while video conferencing tools have allowed us to communicate face-to-face with_ people from around the world. In recent times, stream services like Netflix and Amazon Prime have revolutionized the way people consults . media, while fitness trackers have helped us to monitor and improve our health. T adjutant of virtual aecictante Lila Nova Alexa and Siri has made it easier for us to control devices and get information using just our voice. Additionally, online shopping_ platforms have made it possible to purchase goods and services from any part of the world. Last but not least, augmented reality technologies such as Snapchat and Pokémon Go have introduced new and exciting ways to interact with our surroundings. Overall technology has transformed the way we live, enabling us to stay connected, productive, and entertained at all times and pushing us to use it on a daily basis.

iv. How does technology affect our lives?

Technology has already had and continues to have a significant impact on our daily lives, shaping the way we communicate, access information, and automate tasks. The widespread use of the internet and social media connects people globally, making it easier to maintain relationships. Communication technologies, such as instant messaging, video conferencing, and email, improve and make real-time interactions increasingly convenient. The availability of vast amounts of information on the internet is transforming education and research Telemedicine is improving access to healthcare by allowing patients to receive consultations from the comfort of their homes. One more positive effect of technology is that it expands entertainment options with streaming services offering a vast library of movies and TV shows and video games providing immune experiences. Despite the many benefits, t are some negative effects of technology They are the rise of automation and artificial intelligence which is causing changes in the workforce, and excessive technology use which has been linked to negative impacts on mental health such as loneliness, anxiety, and depression.

v. Why do technology companies often upgrade their products?

Technology companies often upgrade their products for a variety of reasons. One reason is to stay competitive in the marketplace. By releasing new and improved versions of their products, companies can differentiate themselves from their competitors and attract new customers. For example, Apple frequently releases new versions of the iPhone with updated features such as improved cameras and new color options. Another reason for product upgrades is to address customer feedback and improve the user experience. Companies may receive feedback from customers about issues or areas for improvement in their products. By addressing these concerns through product upgrades they can improve customer satisfaction and retention. For example, a software company may release an update to fix a bug reports by customers that was causing the soft to crash. Additionally, technology company may upgrade their products to take advantage of new technologies and advancements in the field. For example, a company that makes smart home devices may release new products that are compatible with the latest voice assistants such as Amazon Alexa or Google Home. Lastly, companies may upgrade their products to increase revenue. By releasing new versions of a product with added features, companies can charge more for the newer version and increase their profits.

vi. Does the development of technology affect the way we study?

Yes, the development of technology has had a significant impact on the way we study. Firstly, the advent of the internet and advancements in online learning technology have made it possible for students to access educational content and resources from anywhere at any time, which has greatly increased accessibility to education. Additionally, technology has led to the development of educational software, such as interactive learning games, that can make learning more engaging and effective These tools can be used to supplement traditional classroom instruction and help students understand complex concepts in a more interactive and dynamic way Furthermore, virtual and augmented reality technology are becoming increasingly popular in education as they can provide an immersive learning experience that allow students to interact with virtual environment and objects in a way that is not possible in traditional classroom settings. Additional technology has made it easier for students to collaborate and work together on projects and assignments, regardless of their location, through tools such as online whiteboards, video conferencing, and shared document editors. Finally, with the help of technology, teachers and students can now access data and analytics that provide information on student progress, which helps teachers to adapt their teaching methods to better meet the needs of their students. Overall, technology has made it possible for students to access a wider range of educational resources and tools, and has made it easier for teachers to personalize instruction and provide a more engaging and effective learning experience.