48.Describe a piece of technology you own that you feel is hard to use

You should say

what it is

when you got it

what you got it for

how often you use it

how you feel about it

Sample Answer - 

I had been dreaming about a smart TV for a while. You know, I imagined using all its features to make watching TV even better. Finally, last year, my dream came true, and I bought it during the Black Friday sale. The TV itself is fantastic, but the remote control that came with it is a different story. It turned out to be so hard to use that it's been almost a year since I bought it, and I'm still trying to figure out how to use all those features that make this TV smart'. I think this remote control was r make people doubt their IQ 'cause, you k, it's like a mini spaceship control panel. It has more buttons than I know what to do with.

Every time I want to watch a show or movie, it turns into a challenge. For example, it has a touchpad that is supposed to make navigation easier, but instead, I find myself accidentally swiping the wrong way and ending up in menus I didn't even know existed. One time, I somehow changed the language settings to French, and 1 had no clue how to get back to English. I had to google it.

Plus, I have a really hard time using the back button. It's too sensitive, so it always ca me to accidentally go back when I didn't mean it.

Then there's the voice control feature. In theory, it sounds amazing. Just say what you want to watch, and it appears on the screen. But for some reason, it hardly ever understands me.     I'll say 'Play the latest episode of Love is Blind' and the TV responds with, 'Playing a documentary about sea turtles'. It's as if the remote has a mind of its own.

Despite all these challenges, I use the smart tv remote every day. I literally have no choice I just keep hoping that one day, 1'll get use using it, and it will finally feel as smart as its supposed to be.