
Are you interested in news?

How often do you read news?

Do you read news?

Of course I do. I often buy a daily newspaper on my way to work and then read it while having morning coffee to find out what is new, or just go online to get an insight to the world around.

How often do you read news?

Well, quite often, actually. It's important for me to get updated information in order to be well-informed about what is going on in the area and in the world. So, I read news at least a couple of times during the day.

Do you read news in newspapers or on the Internet?

How do you find news?

Well, I generally read news online, first of all, because it is really easy to view the news just with a few clicks of a mouse, getting filled in with in-depth and background information. Secondly... because the information on the Internet is updated regularly so I don't have to wait for a long time to learn the latest scoop. And finally because news online either doesn't cost me anything or costs very little.

Do you discuss news with your friends?

Oh yeah, we do. The news is vital for us because it lets us not be disconnected from life. It is much more than just facts or information, it is something that has an impact on our everyday actions and choices. What is more, it can put things in perspective, which is also worth quite a bit.