5. Risk

Describe a risk you took that you thought would lead to a terrible result but ended up with a positive result

You should say:

what it was

why you took it

what the result was

how you felt about it

Sample Answer

Once I was waiting for my friend at the bus stop when a young good-looking man approached me and asked me if I could help him. He asked me to let him use my mobile phone to make a call 'cause he had just had his bag stolen, and he needed to call the bank urgently to cancel his credit cards and ask someone to pick him up as all his documents, money, mobile phone. and car keys were in that bag.

To be honest, I didn't know what to do. On the one hand, I felt really sorry for him 'cause I put myself in his place. And understood that he had to ask someone for help. On the other hand, he could take my phone and run away. And I realized I would never be able to catch him. I can't run fast. Also, I have heard of a trick people can use to charge massive amounts to your phone under the guise of making a short simple call by way of calling some service numbers. So I was afraid my phone bill would be higher that normal because calling certain numbers are charged an access charge and a service charge. I vacillated for a while about who help him.

That moment seemed to last forever. My heart was pounding. I was still thinking of whether it was the right thing to do. I was afraid he would turn his back and run away. But this didn't happen. After making several phone calls, the person returned my phone and said 'Thank you'. He called the bank to cancel his cards He called the police to report a theft. And h his wife and asked her to bring him a sp. key. Of course, I felt a relief. And I was happy he didn't appear to be a thief.