52. Describe an old friend that you got in contact with again

You should say: ‣

who this person is ‣

what this person is like ‣

how you got in contact ‣

how you felt about it

Sample Answer : 

Recently I was driving through the neighborhood in which I lived when I grew up. And when I drove past the school, I immediately thought of my best childhood friend Alex. And he was not just my schoolmate but also my next door neighbor. So we used to spend a lot of time together. It was always fun 'cause he always came up with something interesting. That's why we were never feeling bored. Also, I don't remember us having arguments frequently.

Then his family moved to a new neighborhood. We were no longer neighbor  but W€ still studied together. Then we finished school, entered different universities, and lost touch.

When I drove past the school and remembered the good old times, I understood I really wanted to get back in touch with him. To be honest, I found it strange reaching out to him after so long. But I got up the courage and texted him. So, at first, I texted a simple 'Hi'. Then I asked him if he was interested in getting together. He seemed to be interested in reconnecting we decided to catch up over coffee. On hand, I was looking forward to meeting hw. cause it's always fun to remember the par* But I was a little worried that our friendship wouldn't be what it once was.

We met at a café. No words can really describe how happy I was to see him. First of all, I explained to him why it was that I fell out of touch. I think he appreciated knowing that it wasn't anything in particular that caused me to fall out of touch. Then we reminisced about the past. I was happy 'cause 1 felt like 1 was reliving my carefree school days. And we promised to each other to keep in touch and arranged our next meetup.