52.2. Friendship

i. In what situations would people be willing to get to know new people?

ii. Why do people need to make new friends?

There are many situations in which people may be willing to get to know new people, Some of these situations include social events, shared interests, travel, work or school, volunteer work, dating, and personal growth. When people attend social events, such as parties or networking events, they may be more open to engaging in conversation with strangers. Likewise, when people have shared interests, such as a hobby or profession, they may be more likely to connect with others who share those interests. Travel can also provide opportunities to meet new people, as can work or school environments. Additionally, volunteering_ for a cause can create opportunities to meet people from diverse backgrounds and create meaning connections. For those who are single and looking for a romantic partner, dating can  a Way to get to know new people. Finally, people may seek out personal growth opportunities to connect with others who are on a similar journey. Overall, people may be more willing to form new connections in situations where they feel comfortable, have common interests or goals, or are seeking out new experiences.

iii. Why is it hard to maintain friendships for some people?

iv. Why do people lose contact with their old friends?

I guess there are lots of reasons for having difficulties in maintaining friendship. When people grow up, they face a lot of changes such as a change in personality or lifestyle, moving from single to coupled life or moving to another city or country. As a result, they can have a lack of common interests or differences in values and opinions and this is the high road to ending the relationship. Moreover, it's hard to keep friends when you notice that a friend only contacts you when they need something or discusses things you shared with them without your permission. It's also difficult to stay friends if a person betrays your trust or shows jealousy of your success.

v. Do you like to have many friends?

I really do. They say a friend in court is better than a penny in purse. And 1 fully agree with it. The more friends we have, the happier we are, because friends enrich our life giving good advice, help, new insights, involving us in different activities, encouraging us to take up new hobbies. Every friend is a huge world and the more friends we make, the more worlds we experience. If we have many friends, we can always find someone to hang around with, someone to join a fitness club with and even someone to discover other countries with. Moreover, when times are hard we will never be alone and always get necessary care and support.