53. Describe a film that you watched recently

You should say: ‣

what the film was about ‣

when and where you watched it ‣

whether you liked or disliked it ‣

why you wanted to discuss it

Sample Answer : 

I recently saw The adjustment bureau and 1 was very pleased with the movie. Although this movie is not new, I hadn't even heard about it before and watched it by pure chance. I was at home, the weather was bad and I didn't want to go out, so I started flipping through the channels. I saw Matt Damon on the screen and decided to watch the film just because of him. I didn't regret, and I think this film was definitely worth a few hours of my time.

It is  a romantic science fiction thriller that depicts an affair between a politician , David and a contemporary dancer, Elise, accidentally meets Elise, _while rehearsing ns speech. After they kiss each other, he get inspired that he delivers a great speech that makes him a favorite in the election race. The only thing that makes him upset is that he doesn't even know the name of the girl. One month later they meet each other on a bus, but he doesn't manage to ask for her telephone number. Then he takes the same bus for three years to meet her, but some mysterious forces keep them apart. Later we find out that this is because all the events in people's lives are controlled by the Adjustment Bureau that ensures people live according to 'the Plan because every time humanity is granted will, it results in wars or other negative e So the bureau tries to do whatever possible stop them from meeting each other. One " David meets two men working for this bureau and they explain that they make corrections when things go slightly wrong. David is warned that if he doesn't stop making attempts to meet Elise, his memory will be erased. He decides to fight against it and tries to outsmart or elude the men in the suits and hats. To cut a long story short, in the end, the bureau issues a revised plan according to which Elise and David are meant to be together, and they are let go

I really liked the movie, first of all, because I'm a huge fan of Matt Damon. Another a aspect of the film is that it raises the questions  and draws our attention to the dilemma of life, the conflict between free will and predestination. I love such inspirational movies that teach us to pursue our dreams and goals no matter what. also liked the suspense of watching a good plot unfold. I'm not joking. I was on the edge of my seat waiting to see what would happen next. Overall, this movie is both entertaining and thought-provoking and it's definitely worth watching more than once.

And, of course, I want to discuss it with my friends because we are constantly debating whether our future is predetermined or whether people have free will. So it's just our favorite  topic to talk about.