55. Describe a time when you helped your family member

You should say: ‣

when it was ‣

how you helped your family member ‣

why you helped him or her ‣

how you felt about it ‣

Sample Answer :

Just recently I saved my uncle from a rash decision. We had a small family gathering last Friday evening, and I noticed that he was acting aggressively and losing his temper at the smallest thing. I asked him what happened, and he said he was thinking of quitting his job.

Of course, it was obvious that this decision would impact his life significantly. So I decided to interfere, but I didn't want to put too much pressure on him, so I just said somethings I' m here for you if you ever want to talk

Just as I expected it appeared that he desi to quit his job 'cause he had a conflict with a colleague. So I realised that his decision was emotional, not logical. Moreover, this meant he wanted to quit a job without another one lined up, which entails uncertainty and having no income for an indefinite period of time. So I decided to help my uncle 'cause I'm convinced that this is what family is for. And I think it's natural to want to make someone you love and care for feel better again.

I didn't tell him that he needed to calm de Instead, I just listened to him and let hint vent. About an hour later he realized he blowing things out of proportion and that h- just needed to talk to his colleague face-to-face before the conflict got out of hand.