56.Describe a time when you were very busy
You should say:
‣ when this time was
‣ what you did at this time
‣ how you arranged your time
‣ how you felt after this busy time was over
Last month, to say that I was busy is to say nothing was like a hamster on a wheel trying to get everything what I'd planned done. It was absolutely crazy time. L was working on several projects at the same time to cover for a colleague who was on holiday. I couldn't say 'no' because we usually cover for each other, and I knew that I wouldn't be able to count on her in the future if I had refused to pick up her workload. So I had to push myself beyond my limits to get all the work done. _had a constant flow of emails coming in. Also, I had to deal with customer requests and phone calls, let alone my daily reports. Even when I came home after work couldn't relax because I had to walk the dog and make sandwiches and tea not to collapse from hunger as I didn't even have time for lunch. Also, in the mornings I woke up at the last minute, so breakfast was out of question in most cases To tell the truth, the only thing that literally saved me from burnout and overwork was my paper planner called Slice Planner. This planner presents a work day as a diagram which looks like a clock face. This diagram is divided into 12 sectors, like 12 hours. You have to shade the sector representing some time slot if you plan to do something during that period of time Although I saw what fitted into my schedule and what didn't, I tried to do more work. So, when this crazy time was over I was squeezed like a lemon as I had to work against the clock to complete my project in time, so l didn't have days off during the whole month. At the same time I felt relieved as 1 understood 1 could finally relax for some time. And, of course, I had a sense of accomplishment as my project was a real success. I even got a bonus for it.