57.Describe a person who helps to protect the environment
Who this person is
How this person protects the environment
Whether it's easy or difficult for this person
How you feel about this person
The person I just have to tell you about is my colleague Diana. She's of the few people who really care about the environment. Of course, she doesn't do things on a large scale. But even the small things she does make a real difference in our city. She thinks each of us can and should take initiative to change what we feel is wrong in our society, neighborhood, or workplace . For example, recently she declared war on paper waste in our office. My colleagues used to waste a lot of paper. They used to print anything and everything , so there were unused copies all over the place. To be honest, i was guilty of this too and often made copies I didn't need at all. One day, she gathered all the employees and talked to us about paper waste. I was blown away to learn that it takes an average of five litres of water to produce a single A4 sheet. She also spoke about the depletion of natural resources, paper pollution and other serious consequences of mindless paper use. Then, she put u posters with these eye opening facts all around the office to encourage people to switch to electronic documents whenever possible and to thin twice before printing anything. And it worked for us. Beyond the office, she also helps protects the environment by organizing community cleanups in her neighborhood and i know that many people support her efforts. I really admire her because I think her contribution is invaluable. I wish there were more people like her. I mean people who understand that we shape society, so it's up to us make it better.