57. Challenges 

i. What do children often do when they face a challenge?

When children face a challenge, they usually react in one of three ways: they might try to avoid it, show an emotional response, or try to solve the problem. Thus, some kids, when faced with a challenge, want to overcome it and look for ways to do so. Most of the time, they ask an adult for help. However, sometimes they experiment and try many times on their own. It often depends on how difficult the challenge is. 0ther children may avoid the problem completely by giving up on what they were doing. Finally, some children might get upset, cry, or throw a tantrum when they don't know how to handle the situation.

ii. Why do people like doing dangerous things?

iii. Why do some people enjoy extreme sports?

Well, I guess for a variety of reasons, actually. Some people opt for doing something dangerous just because of the desire to venture past the limits of safety in pursuit of a rewarding experience. They risk because they want to take things to the edge and get their adrenalin up high, they want to conguer themselves and enjoy the thrill of danger. Others do adventurous things because they want to satisfy their curiosity and get new emotions. I guess there are also people among risk-takers who just want to show their special skills in order to impress others and become prominent. So, yeah, these are the main reasons why people take risks, to my mind.