58. Describe an occasion when you lost something important

You should say: ‣

what it was ‣

when and where you lost it ‣

how you felt after losing it

Sample Answer :

I'm a person who's forever losing something. And in most cases, I don't notice that some item is missing for a long time I fever.. However, recently there was one case that I remember very well. This is because L lost my phone, and it was a total disaster because I am not ashamed to say that L can't survive even an hour without the device. It's like my best friend.

So, one day I returned home after a busy day and wanted to text one of my friends, but 1 couldn't find my phone. At first, 1 didn't worry at all. I asked my mom to call my phone I was sure it was somewhere in my purs in one of the pockets. What we heard was 'the phone you dialled is not available at th~ moment`. This meant that locating my phone fast and easily was out of question. I thought the battery had gone flat, therefore it would just take a little more time to find it. I searched high and low, but the search was without success. I realized |'d lost it,

At that very moment L felt like my heart was coming to a complete stop. [ started panicking I thought that someone would hack my phone password and get access to my photos and notes, my accounts on social media, which was the last thing I wanted to have happy I thought of the potential consequences being out of contact for what might be seve.ai days. Among other things, it was an experienced  n item, and I'd been saving for a long time to afford it

The worst thing about it was that L had no idea where 1 lost it. I found out there was a hole in my pocket that 1 didn't realize was there. So this might have happened in a taxi. Or I may have left it in a changing room in the department store. The only thing I remember was that I called my friend after I left the office, This means I didn't leave it in the workplace. But I wished I had. I was upset and frustrated And Lwas really angry about the whole th But anyway, I never saw my phone again .