6. Motivation; goals

1. Do you think money is the most important motivating factor at work?

Do you agree that a high salary is the only reason why people choose some jobs?

Well, on the one hand, I can't say it is the sole or primary motivator in the workplace, but on the flip side, I have to admit that money may be a crucial incentive to work motivation as it is the foundation of everyone's lifestyle. Money is important for many employees as it gives them freedom and choices as well as enables them to enhance their life through good education and healthcare. Without money, people might have to cut their standard of living, which they'd unlikely wish to do, I guess. So yeah, monetary rewards are an effective motivator, to my mind.

2. How can parents and teachers motivate children to study more?

What should parents do if their children don't want to study?

Oh, I guess, in the first place, by guiding children through the learning process but allowing them to have control of their own learning experience. To my mind, the main task of parents and teachers is to create an open atmosphere where children can feel comfortable expressing their likes, dislikes or concerns and where kids are allowed to have direct input in their learning choices. In other words, children should be shown that their opinion matters as it will let them feel reassured that they can be open about their educational experience without being judged, put down, discouraged or ignored. Also, I think parents and teachers can share with kids their enthusiasm for learning showing them the joy and excitement learning brings to their life and this way involving kids in exploring different topics and subjects. Well, and of course, focus on children's strengths recognizing and celebrating their achievements, no matter how small they may be.

3. Should parents set goals for children?

Should parents interfere with their children's ambitions?

Who should set goals for children?

Definitely yes. Parents are everything for kids: they are their inspiration, driving force and leadership. At the same time parents are people who know their kids best so they are in the best position to help them establish goals and focus on achieving them. Goals which parents set for kids communicate messages about what's important and establish a standard children can strive toward. It helps kids lead the way and develop commitment, positive attitude, discipline, patience and persistence. What is more, taking efforts to achieve goals and achieving them teach kids that motivation and determination work thereby giving confidence that achieving goals on a large scale is also possible.
