6. Person who encouraged you to achieve a goal

Describe a person who encouraged and helped you to achieve a goal

You should say:

who this person is

what this person inspired you to do

how this person helped you

why this encouragement helped you to achieve a goal

Sample Answer

The person who has always encouraged me to accomplish more and pursue my interests in order to have a better and happier life is my father. I'm sure that if it weren't for him, I wouldn't be the person who I am today. And his encouragement was particularly important when I was a teenager as it was a critical period in the development of personality.

When I was 14, like many teenagers, I did sports and I was dreaming of a career ir sports. Once I performed at a national championship which took place just once a year. I had been working hard the whole to prepare for it. I had a really good chance to become the champion, but I failed to. I was really upset and disappointed. I totally lost my confidence after that failure. What's more, I was so discouraged that I was even going to quit sports.

My father noticed that I had skipped several trainings. And there was nothing like that before. So I had to tell him what was going on. He sat me down, looked me in the eye and said that if Thomas Edison had give after his first unsuccessful attempt, we v still have candles instead of electrical bulbs. He told me not to give up no matter what perceive failures as valuable life lesson than disasters 'cause the more ambitious your goal is, the harder it is to achieve it. So it's absolutely normal to face difficulties and failures.

Well, this talk did wonders. I decided to make one more attempt to win the championship. And I succeeded because my father's encouragement helped me overcome my fear of failure and regain confidence. And I started working hard towards my goal without being afraid. What's important is that now eve I fail to do something on the first try, I re father's words and start working even harder.