60.Describe a picture or photo in your family that you like

You should say: ‣

what or who is in the picture ‣

where this picture is in your home ‣

who took this picture ‣

why this picture is meaningful

Sample Answer :

I really like taking pictures to capture all meaningful moments as, unfortunately, memories fade away sooner or later, but photos don't. Also, 1I don't like the idea of taking pictures just to store them on a computer or an external hard drive. What's the sense of taking them, if you never look at them again? I like choosing the ones that remind me of special moments with close people and putting these shots in photo frames around the flat,

The photo that have the most persona connection to is the one depicting the whole. family of mine at my birthday party many 's ago. I was about to blow out birthday party many years ago. I was about to blow out birthday candles and my parents and grandparents surrounded me, leaning over the table, me and the cake, ready to help if 1 hadn't managed to blow all the candles. You know, it is believed your wish will come true if you blow out all the candles in a single puff,

This photo is what people see first when they come to my parents' place. I don't remember who took it because I was too young and' don't remember who exactly was invited party. In any case, this must have been one my relatives that took the photo as the phone doesn't look professional, so doubt it was taken by a photographer.

This shot is truly something to be treasured as, first of all, it reminds of my childhood every time 1 look at it. Also, this is one of the few photos where the whole family is depicted and all of us look genuinely happy. You know, nowadays people are really busy and don't have time to attend family gatherings. And, unfortunately, this was the last photo of my grandfather taken before his death.