64.Describe a place you visited where you can see wild animals

You should say: ‣

what animals you saw ‣

what place it was ‣

what the animal did

when you saw it ‣

how you felt when you saw it ‣

Sample Answer ;

I remember that several years ago went to a zoo while travelling abroad. And it was then when I saw a real live wild animal for the first time. Probably, I went to zoos in my childhood. I'm sure I did, but I don't have reliable memories about that experience.

I thought I would be excited, but when I saw a white tiger I was upset and disappointed This poor animal was kept in a cramped space without access to natural light. When I saw it, it was lying on the concrete floor in a kind of trance as if it was waiting to die. I think it's cruel to confine a big carnivore to a tiny, dark, artificial, unenriched enclosure where it never sees any_ daylight. I was really sorry for that poor tiger that didn't even have a chance to seek privacy from the public and didn't have an opportunity to take part in natural behavior such as running, jumping or climbing. Also, Iwas a bit terrified. I was afraid the animal would somehow escape from the cage and bite me to death. On the one hand, I knew the was strong enough so this was an unlike occurrence, but there are always 'what ifs the mind, which make you feel nervous a big wild animal not far from you. So, this was one of the most unpleasant experiences in my life, and I really hope 1 won't have to go to a zoo in the future,