67. Describe an occasion when you asked someone for advice

You should say: ‣

what the advice was ‣

who gave you this advice ‣

what you thought about this advice ‣

why you asked for advice ‣

Sample Answer :

When I started high school, my parents began expecting me to make a decision about my future career. But I didn't know what career path to follow because there were so many options to choose from, and I was afraid 1 might make the wrong choice and suffer the consequences for the rest of my life.

At some point I realized that I could no longer delay making a decision, so I decided to ask my father for advice about my career choice because he had always given me Suggestions about everything. My father told me that if I wanted to have a great career, I had to pursue my passion or I would end up feeling bored and unfulfilled otherwise. Actually, this was what everybody said.I mean I knew that. But 1 didn't know how to find my_passion

That's when he gave me one of the most valuable pieces of advice of my life.. He told me to ask myself what I would do with my time if I had all the money I neededThis was an excellent piece of advice. As a result, fin my passion appeared to be easier than thought. I quickly made up my mind and chose Marketing as my major.