68. Describe an online video in which you learned something new

You should say: ‣

what video it was ‣

when and where you watched it ‣

why you watched it ‣

what you learned from it ‣

Sample Answer :

Recently, I had to tie a tie myself for the first time. Before that, there was always someone around to help me - my dad, a friend, or even a colleague. But this time, I was on my own, and I had no idea where to start.

I started freaking out because I had to get ready for the event quickly. That's when I decided to try searching for a YouTube video tutorial, like I almost always do when I need to learn a simple skill.

I found one that seemed straightforward, and the man in the video explained each step really clearly. I followed along, pausing every few seconds to copy exactly what he was doing.

After a few attempts and some adjusting, I finally got it. I learned how to make the knot for a tie step by step. I had to cross the tie correctly, pull one side through, and tighten it. Thank God, it turned out to be easier than I expected.