7. Thing you really wanted

Describe something given to you that you really need

You should say:

what it is

who gave it to you

why you need it

how you felt about it

Sample Answer

I love every product Apple (or Samsung) makes, so I buy every new gadget as soon as it becomes available for pre-order, but it was not until last month that I got an Apple Watch (a smart watch). Actually, I planned to buy this device a long time ago, but there was always something that prevented me from doing that.

One day I came across the overview of the product and several customer reviews. I understood I needed it in order to check notifications in a more polite way, just at a quick glance and to stay informed without rudely interrupting activities with real people. And I was tired of pulling my phone out of my bag to identify the importance of each notification. Also, I often missed important calls 'cause I didn't hear my phone ring in the bag.

Then, of course, I showed it to my husband (or somebody else) almost every day for several weeks and said how much I need' it. I dropped so many hints that he final understood that I wanted him to buy it. He promised to give it to me as a birthday gift and, voila, soon I became the owner of Apple Watch Sport (a Samsung smart watch). I was more than happy even though it wasn't a surprise gift.

Now I can't imagine my life without this device. It is just as cool as it sounds. Its greatest feature is receiving notifications longer have to dig my phone out of my k determine if the notification is important can deal with it later. All I need is just a quick glance at my wrist. So now I can stay informed without interrupting activities with real people, for example, at a business meeting. Plus, I no longer distract viewers in a movie theater with a bright smartphone screen to see who just sent me a text. It's also really helpful when my smartphone isn't easily accessible. Say, I'm cooking or driving... I turn my watch to face me and say: 'Hey Siri, do this or that.' I answer many calls in the car and have perfectly r conversations even with both hands on wheel. The microphone works shocking, Also, I would often not feel my iPhone vibrate from my pocket, so I had to periodically my iPhone. With Watch, I never miss the tap on the wrist.