The table chart gives the details regarding rise and fall of export in five categories in Hong Kong from 2009 to 2010 and the data is given in billon of dollars.

Having a myopic look, it is clear that overall within gap of a years , there was 20% changes in exports as 2009 it was 32 billion dollars dollars which become 38.4 billion dollar in 2010. Also, the major charges can be observed in the figures of telecommunications, whereas minor changes can be witnessed in clothing. In case of, telecommunicates the amount of export was 7.9 billion that up surged 12.7 billion dollars in 2010 with percentage change of 61%.

However, for clothing the amount of export dropped from 6 billion dollars to 5 billion from 2009 to 2010 and had 17% changes. Similarly, the export of manufacturing also reduced in the surveyed down. Moreover, the export of metal had got doubled from 2.3 billion dollars to 5% billion dollars during.

looking from overall perspective, it is readily apparent that export displayed an upward hajectory in all categories except clothing and manufacturing , meanwhile telecommunication and metals increased the most in comparison to other areas.

The table below shows the changes in exports in HK billions between 2009 and 2010.