1. Today children spent a lot of their free time watching T.V. Do the advantages outweigh disadvantages?

Sample Answer,

In this contemporary era, juveniles tend to expand their spare time in watching television. I think drawbacks of this pale in comparison to benefits because of ‘’ distraction from academics and isolation.

To begin with, the predominant reason is less focus on studies. To elaborate it, these days children have their own ways to spend their leisure time. Moreover, kids are addicted towards watching their favourite movies and shows. In addition to this, it lead them to be less focused on and interested in their education. A survey conducted by ‘’Tribune’’ revealed that around 80.20% of primarily students watch tv for atleast 7 hours a day. Hence, by indulging to much in television children face less opportunities in their career because of poor academics.

Furthermore, isolation is another reason. In other words, children do not utilise their time with loved ones as parents are too busy with their personal choices and sometimes kids try to imitate what they watch on television. For example, a child of age 17 tried to recreate a scene from his desired movie ‘hacker’ and that child hacked accounts of his own friends and then blackmailed them. As a result, negligence from parents can motivate children to do dangerous things as well as it affects the relationship of parent and child.

However, television is the ultimate and affordable source of entertainment. To explain it, a vast number of people can not afford other methods of enjoyment. Along with a lot of should being telecast on television which encourages masses to show as well as sharpen their talent. Moreover, television provides knowledge and current affairs by their specific episodes. Therefore, television assist individuals to gain information and knowledge about their surroundings and also keep them connected with outer world.

To conclude, distraction from education and staying alone are the reasons of more demerits than benefits of the child consuming much valuable time on screening television.


Juvenile: Kids, younger ones.

Isolation: solitude, confinement, remoteness.

Predominant: main, prevailing, prominent.

Affordable: economical, cost effective, feasible

Leisure: extra, spare.


2. Topic: The users of social media, such as Facebook, Twitter, are replacing face-to-face contact in this century. Do you think the advantages of this way outweigh the disadvantages?

Sample answer

It is claimed that modern technological tools for communication, including social media, are gradually replacing direct contact among people. I think drawbacks of this pale in comparison with the benefits, because of decreased communication skills and lack of privacy.

To begin with, firstly, it is true that the emergence of social networking websites and applications such as Facebook have revolutionized the way people contact one another. To be more specific, nowadays, regardless of geographical distance, people from most places on the planet can send messages or make use of video calls to keep in touch with their loved ones, enterprises could conduct their meetings which eliminates the need for people to gather in one place for face-to-face conversations. As a result, blur geographic limits allow people to strengthen their bonding along with higher profits in their revolutionized lives.

However, better expression of thoughts is the crucial demerit of this. To explain it, in this technological era, a large number of young people nowadays tend to prefer making friends via means of social media, such as Facebook and Twitter, to gathering at a real place and a lack of many interpersonal skills along with degradation literacy skills of many people could also be negatively affected due to the lack of social interaction and ways to transmit formal messages that gradually alienate people from communities. For example, digital platforms provide autocorrect dictionaries which let people to type error free text without exact knowledge of spellings. Consequently, social isolation formed due to staying in closed environment may gradually alienate people from communities, which could even lead to social isolation that can leave adverse effects on their mental state.

Furthermore, threat to personal space, is another potential reason. To elaborate it, sharing each moment on social media caters open chance for intruders to access private information for their personal benefit. As a survey, conducted by, “Osaka university, Japan”, revealed that, 73.28% hike in cyberbullying was recorded in last decade. Thus, increased intervention of people with criminal psychology may create void in social security which is completely deterrent to society.

To conclude, decaying interpersonal skills and breeched privacy are the reasons of more cons than pros of replacing real time communication with advanced technology-based exchange of feelings.


Outweigh: eclipse, offset, overshadow.

Emergence: development, upheaval, appearance.

Caters: gives, provides, enables.

Demerit: disadvantage, detriment.

Interaction: communication, cooperation, synergy.


3. Topic: Many children thesedays have their own mobile phones. Do the advantages outweigh disadvantages?

Sample Answer,

Undoubtedly,owing cellular phones is a growing trend among kids.I think merits of this pale in comparison to the drawbacks, because of, keen supervision and source of knowledge.

To embark on, initially,parental surveillance, is the pre dominant reason. To be precise,parents can not only have access of location using global positioning systembut also could establish dialogue without any hesitation of time which may develop greater sense of security among both the parents as well as the children. As a survey, conducted by, “Hindustan Times” ,73.27% working parents themselves cater mobiles to their younger ones , in order to assure their routine tasks.Consequently,guardians can enjoy the bounty of stress free life alongwith assurety of better care and development of their tiny tots that further lead to lucrative future .

Furthermore, hub of information for pupils, is another crucial factor. To elaborate it, students can navigate through vast amount of information related to their subjects and other areas of interest as well , which enlightens their curious minds and help them to perform better in academics.As a report, published by, information technology and education department, Moscow”’ stated that, 9 out of every 10 toppers of secondary classes admitted to use mobile phones for better preparation of their exams.Subsequently, school goers would push their horizon that let them polish their skills which propels their chance of success to next level.

Paradoxically,adverse effects on health, is theunavoidabledrawback of mobile phones, as child may develop routine of sitting and using these devises for longer period of time which is completely hazardous to their physical as well as mental wellbeing. As a result, decaying health may stagnate their growth and left them incompetent to the upcoming challenges of life.

To conclude, careful scrutiny and availability of diverse knowledge ,are the reasons of more pros than cons ofjuveniles keeping their own cell phones.


Children: Toddlers, Juveniles, youngsters

Knowledge: Information, Intel, Content

Health: fitness, wellbeing

Mobile phone: cellular phone, cell phone, handset, palmtop, tablets

Result: Consequence, Subsequence, outcome
