1. Some people consider price as the most important thing to think about when buying products (such as cell phones) or services (medical treatments). Do you agree or disagree?

Sample Answer,

In this contemporary era, masses believe that cost is the most crucial factor involved while purchasing goods like mobile phones and other basic services as medications. I completely agree with the given statement because of ‘low wages’ quality of products.

To begin with, firstly, people have low income. To elaborate it, as a vast number of population do not earn good salaries which make them think twice before acquiring anything, as they have their basic needs to be full filled, A survey conducted by, ‘New York times’ revealed that 80.2% of Philippines had preferred to save money needed before rather than buying new cell phones through credit as they are afraid of having monthly debts. As a result, less source of income might lead individuals to big interest which may step them towards mental illness.

Furthermore, the condition of product is another reason. To explain it, these days everyone pay handsome amount of money to purchase their desirable products, as well as they check the quality and durability of product so they can ensure themselves about things. An article published ,in ‘time of India’,depicts that from last five years people’s way of shopping has charged as they do not buy things under any influence or peer pressure of advertisements. Hence, awareness for money management will increase among masses which may take them to their better future.

To conclude, less income and goods quality are the reasons of complete agreement with the price of any services and items considered as essential factors by few people, before obtaining them.


Price: cost, bill, cash

Products: items, articles, objects

Services: treatment, facility, utility

Contemporary, modern, recent, current

Salaries: remuneration, wages, pay, reimburse


2. Writing, reading and maths are the three recognised traditional subjects. Computer skill should also be the fourth largest branch. Do you agree or disagree?

Sample Answer,

In this modern era, computers are a part of our everyday life so computer ought to be an important subject at school besides the common writing, reading and maths stream. I completely agree with the given statement because of ‘’computer skill is essential and ultimate source of exploration.

To begin with, the first and foremost reason is ‘computer literacy is necessary’. To explain it, including computer skills as a compulsory stream at school can help students be better prepared for their future career as computer education is an indispensable requirement that almost every person needs. For instance, recruiters of every job sector seeks computer skill in a resume as it shows the capability of candidate. Therefore, by having a good grasp of computers such as Microsoft or internet masses might gain and secure a decent job in the future.

Furthermore, versatile tool of collecting knowledge and information is another reason. To elaborate it, through computers students can learn things from many sources as they can get access to a large amount of online materials. Moreover, they can also take advantage of distance learning. A survey conducted by ‘’Hindustan times’’ revealed that during covid pandemic 70.5% of pupils enrolled in online classes whereas 30% of them do not have knowledge about the use of online platforms. Hence, with the help of basic computer skills learners can widen their comprehension as well as they can know about their interests and enhance their skill.

To conclude, requirements of computer skill and crucial way of widen knowledge are the reasons of complete agreement with that computer education should be known as one of the more significant subject alongside the conventional with reading, writing and maths


Traditional: conventional, classical, regular

Computer skill: digital literacy, technical education, advanced learning

Syllabus: curriculum, syllabi, outline, schedule

Recruiters: employers, contractor, human resource

Enhance: Uplift, make better, augment, upgrade


3. It is better for college students to live far away from home than live at home with their parents. Do you agree or disagree?

Sample Answer,

Inthis contemporary era, assumption of letting scholars stay independent of their parents, is generally argued. I completely agree with the given statement because of,individuals can explore more things and could become self dependent.

To begin with, firstly, opportunity to push limits is the predominant reason. To explain it, masses can explore the things during their learning age as at that period of their life they can learn things beyond their subjects as per efficient time because of not having household responsibilities. As per the report of, “Education Today”, 72.31% of people live away from their home just to adapt along with exploring new things. Hence, the outcome lead towards the increment iof knowledge which, might be helpful in life as per new experience from other competitiors.

In addition to this, students may develop sense of self reliance. To explain it, as the students will do all the stuff on their own, families will not be included in their to do list, because the children will be living alone, far from parents and have to do all task by themselves. For example, students these days are migrating to other countries for getting better education.Thus,if the individuals will be making their own decisions on their own, they will have good opinion for themselves and they will become successful in their lives.

To conclude, broaden horizon and self efficient youth are the reasons of my complete agreement with the given statement that collegiates should stay away from parents during the period of their academics


Students: Learners, scholars, interns

Home: Residence, house, Abode

Independent: Self-sufficient, Self-reliant, Self-sustaining

Live: Stay, Reside, settled

Countries: Nations, Realm, Territory


4. Topic: Big salary is much more important than job satisfaction. Do you agree or disagree?

Sample Answer,

It is often argued that it is more advantageous to choose a job with high wage even if it does not appeal to you at all. I completely disagree with the given statement because, gives pleasure and motivation.

To begin with, firstly, sense of fulfilment, is the pre-dominant reason. To explain it, if people earn high salary but feel tensed and compromises with concise, then they would not enjoy life. While pursuing one’s interests will always bring joy and satisfaction. For example, numerous famous researchers made their career choices not because of appealing wages but due to the passion behind science. Therefore, the work providing happiness let masses remain with mental peace as well as feeling of contentment.

Furthermore, inspiration to move forward, is another potential factor. To be precise, while pursuing the desired job,professionals can easily excel the field and achieve better results due to enhanced productivity in doing work of interest. For instance, Henry Miller decided to leave his regular job despite a good wage and ventured to become a writer, after enduring years of ups and down, he became one of the most famous and well-paid author of twentieth century. Thus, high incentives and reputed designations are alongwith assured career growth, are the perks of doing satisfaction providing jobs.

To conclude, joyful life and motivating force to go ahead, are the reasons of, my complete disagreement with the given statement that, higher pays are more crucial as compared to sense of satisfaction in job.


Salary: Remuneration, pay, wages

Happiness: Pleasure, Joy, Contentment

Motivation: Inspiration, Stimulation, motivating force

Fulfilment: satisfaction, Attainment, Success

Career: Vocation, Profession, Occupation
