1. Some people think that killing animals for food cruel but others claim that animals are important part of diet. Discuss both views.

Sample Answer,

Although, it is argued by few individuals that hunting the animals is unethical while, others believe they are important part of the human health. This essay will discuss both the views along with my support to former view.

To begin with, on the one hand, animals play an important role in the environmental food chain and even they have the right to live. To explain it, as every living being plays an important role in life cycle as every thing is dependent on each other. For example, Bengal tigers are getting extinct because people are killing or hunting than as they come on roads and people find them harmful and try to get rid from them and kill these species out. Thus, as animals are getting extinct are not ethical and rather than killing them make apart difference as it will lead them to preserve endangering species as every kind of animal is important and are allowed to have their own right to live.

On the paradoxical side, making the animal meat is helpful for human bodies. In other words, as these days in this polluted world each and every eatable available is not pure including air, which lead them to bad metabolism and good amount products are also not available. As a survey conducted by ,‘Today time’ , revealed that, quality of air has been deteriorated by 71.8% which is lead to more and more harmful disease. As a result, for building bodies and increasing muscle mass individuals are intaking more amount of meat as the contain high amount of proteins in them.

To conclude, as animal shells are highly achieve for protein intake, meanwhile this essay supported to the view that animal should not be killed out as they are important for lifecycle and food chain which play an legitimate part for not only human but for the whole living cycles.


Killing: Murder, hunting, assassination

Cruel: unethical, brutal, inhuman

Diet: meal, eating plan, nutrition chat

Paradoxical: opposite, other side, contrary

Decrease: diminish, decay, decline


2. Many feel that going to the gym is the best way to stay fit, others think there are more effective methods. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Sample Answer,

Although vast number of people consider gym as a perfect method to keep themselves fit, while others says that many effectual methods are also available. This essay will discuss both the views along with my support to later view.

To embark on, on the one hand, gyms are very popular among youngsters these days. To elaborate it, adults from different age groups go to gyms and do exercises some items without guidance because gym specialized trainers are too costly and cannot afford them easily. For example, masses consume large amount of protein and steroids to gain muscle and to achieve their dream body. As a result, excessive use of gym equipment and supplements leads people to long term health issues and decrease their productivity.

On the other hand, there are many other possible ways to keep the body growing such as cultural activities, yoga, running and so on. In other words, to keep their body fit people tend to join dance class or perform sports activities like swimming and running as well as these days people choose Zumba for their fitness. A survey conducted by ‘’read Madrid’’ sports group revealed that around 56.10% of the people who suffered from obesity joined Zumba and yoga classes in last three years. Therefore, doing other activities might help people to be healthy as well as happy rather lifting weights.

To conclude, spending time in gym to being healthy meanwhile this essay supported to the view that other better ways are also available to became to fit as dancing, jumping etcetera because these tasks make individuals body fit as well as they feel rejuvenating.


Gym: health club, gymnasium, fitness centre

Methods: ways, techniques, solutions

Trainer: Instructor, mentor, coach

Obesity: Fatness, plumpness, heaviness

Activity: Pursuit, Venture, Occupation


3. Some people think international car-free days are an effective way of reducing air pollution; however, others think there are other ways. Discuss both views and give your opinion?

Sample Answer,

Although, some people think that while international car-free days are thought to effectively reduce levels of air pollutionmeanwhile, some people believe that there are other alternatives that are more effective. This essay will discuss both of these views alongwith, my support to later view.

To begin with, on the one hand, it is true that exhaust fumes from cars are a major cause of air pollution as they contain a relatively high proportion of pollutants such as CO2. By having some days without cars on the road, no harmful smoke will be released into the atmosphere, and this will therefore improve the air quality. This policy is extremely effective in big cities around the world, such as Beijing, which is well known for its dirty air smog filled atmosphere. Since this car-free day policy has been introduced, the air quality of the city has greatly improved.Thus, Free day from carbon dioxide in world will lead to reduce the level of pollution among the whole areas.

On the other hand, local governments should try to further encourage the use of public transport, such as subways and buses, as they effectively produce a smaller quantity of pollutants, which in turn is less likely to impact the air quality.As a survey of “ Britain university”, increase in the price of fuel lead the people to use public transport and reduction has been seen in the amount of carbon emission. The final and most effective way of reducing air pollution is to use sustainable and environmentally-friendly energy sources, such as solar or wind power, to replace fossil fuels in the long term and result in effectiveness of pollution reduction.

In my opinion, using alternative method is more effective way as it is long term helpful and may always prevent the environment as compared to one day effect.

To conclude, one day free from vehicles and co2 excursion cause little helpful, meanwhile this essay supported the view that other methods such as CNG, solar and electric vehicles can be effective way.


International: Global, worldwide, across globe

Reducing: Decline, Decrease, curve down

Effective: Fruitful, productive, effectual

Alternative: Other, Substitute, Another

Impact: Influence, Impression, effect


4. Some people say that what children watch on TV influences their behaviour while others say the amount of time children, they spend watching Tv influences their behaviour. Discuss both views and give your opinion?

Sample Answer

Although few individuals opine that the content of programme influence juvenile mentality,meanwhileothers believednumber of hours children spend watching television has greater impact on their behaviour,This essay will discuss both the along with my support to the former view.

To begin with, on the one side, over the last decade or two, there has been a steady increase in the amount of inappropriate content that has been allowed to be televised. Television programmes and commercials these days are full of graphic violence, sexual connotations, amongst other topics that are considered unsuitable for children’s viewing.For example, famous cartoon programme” Doraemon” has been successful to portray a reluctant child to be innocent person even he fails in his academics.Therefore, toddlers are the most affected by this issue due to the fact that they are still learning and developing ideas about the world. Being exposed to such content can negatively shape their views and personal relationships, which may harm society further.

However, not only does the content of what children watch affect their behaviour but also how much time they spend watching television. In most modern societies it is very common for young children to spend hours of their day with their eyes glued to the television screen,which may cause the primary reason being that most children suffer from a severe lack of outdoor activity and exercise, which are vital for a child’s well-being and development.As asurvey, conducted by, “World health organization”, Revealed that, 73.28% of pre-primary students found to have unhealthy in terms of cardiovascular activities. Thus, weak as well as lethargic children may proved to be less productive in their forthcoming timewhich may lead to an unfortunate life.

To conclude,time span spent before television screen has adverse effect on children, while this supported the view thatideas displayed has far more negative impacts on them, because of severe distractions and under developed thought process.


Children: Toddlers, juveniles, younger ones

Watch: See, Observe, view

Television: Small screen, tele watching box, Gogglebox

Behaviour:conduct, bearing, deportment

Distraction: Diversion, Obstruction, Intrusion
