1. Nowadays young people spend too much of their free time in shopping malls. Some people fear that this may have negative effects on young people and the society they live in. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Sample Answer,

In this revolutionary era, few individuals are afraid of the adverse impacts on society of youngsters allotting considerable chunk of their leisure time at giant markets.Except in certain cases, I largely agree with given statement, because of,impulsive buyingand time wastage.

To begin with,firstly, unnecessary purchasing, is the predominant reason. To explain it,by spending time in shopping malls, young people are exposing themselves to large amounts of advertising and products which only drives their desire to purchase and consume more, without actual need of those amenities, which could create an unhealthy state of mind, and a consumeristic attitude to life. As a survey , conducted by, “The New YorkTimes, United states of America” , 54.23% American youth tend to force their parents to purchase unwanted apparels under influence of lucrative discounts offered by super markets. As a result, the society they live in will suffer from the many drawbacks of consumerism such as wasted energy and resources, and landfills full of goods that have been overproduced.

Glancing further, spoiling useful time, is another potential factor.To elaborate it,adultswould not onlyconceive negative impact on their minds, but would also be having numerousdetrimental effects on their physical health as spending much time wandering around shopping malls prevent them to spent outdoors playing sport or participating in other recreational activities which would be beneficial for their health as well.As a report, published by” World Health Organisation”, stated that, teenagers jogging for at least 20 minutes a day, usually have better cardiac health for prolonger period of time.Therefore, healthier lifestyle allowsto be at reduced risk of suffering from a range of common diseases caused by a sedentary lifestyle, and assist them to enjoy quality as well as productive life span.

Paradoxically,broaden horizon, is unavoidable reason as larger shopping complexes , provide chance to explore worldwide brands and trends which pushes radius of knowledge that could not only enlighten their intellect but also let them grab increased job opportunities in forthcoming time.Consequently,entitling curiosity to know more subtly augments learning skills that would play crucial role in their academics.

To conclude, extravagancy and unproductive time allocation, are the reasons of my wide agreement with the given statement that, Young generation may end up leaving side effects for themselves and community , by spending their leisure time at shopping malls.

Vocabulary :

Shopping Mall: Supermarket, galleria, shopping complex

Society: Community, public, fellowship

Young people: youth, youngsters, young generation

Prevent: stop, avert, turn aside

Unavoidable: Inevitable, unpreventable, inescapable


2. Some people think it is more important to spend money on roads and motorways than on public transport systems. To what extend do you agree?

Sample answer,

In this contemporary era, few individuals argue that legislative treasury ought to be poured in favour of developed road infrastructure than on public transportation. Except in certain cases, I largely agree with the given statement because of safety assurance and reduced congestion.

To begin with, firstly, increased road safety, is the pre-dominant reason. To explain it, better that not only prevent accidents but also augments life of the vehicles, which lucrative for public in terms of increased life expectancy of both the vehicles and owners as well. for example, in Vietnam, the number of road accidents is ever-increasing due to the condition of the road’s surface. Therefore, time and finance of individuals could be used more productively to handle their other responsibilities, which would let them lead a more quality life.

Furthermore, diminished traffic problems, is another potential factor. To elaborate it, building wider roads and more motorways would allow smooth and fast commuting which would save time of passengers along with help in reducing risk of mis-happenings. For instance, Ho Chi Minh, where traffic congestion is still a major problem, will help to increase the space for a larger number of vehicles. Hence, reducing pressure on the city’s main roads as well as congestion.

On the other hand, better public transport systems are beneficial for the environment and people who do not have a private vehicle. In fact, some modes of public transport like subways produce less pollutant than cars and other private vehicles. Therefore, spending money providing people with access to public transport will improve air quality and reduce pollution. Furthermore, for those who do not have a private vehicle, such as a motorbike or car, buses and subways are a great choice if they have to commute daily.

To conclude, more safety and reduced traffic, are the reasons of my wide agreement with the given statement that, regime should tilt towards construction of better highways instead of public transportation.


Roadways: Highways, Expressway, Road network

Public transport: communal transport, public conveyance, shared transit

Government: Authority, Legislative, Regime

Safety: Welfare, Well-being, Harmless

Daily: Regularly, Routine, Everyday


3. Schools are no longer necessary because children can get so much information available through the Internet, and they can study just as well at home. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Sample Answer,

Since there is a wealth of information available on the Internet, students can study by themselves at home just as effectively as they do at school, which undermines the role of schools anymore. Except in certain cases, I largely disagree with the given statement, because of, character building and increased interpersonal skills.

To begin with, firstly, ethical values, is the pre-dominant reason. To elaborate it, ability of teachers to train learners with respect to their caliber along with inculcating moral education, which would be beneficial for the whole society. For example, Dr. APJ Abdul kalam, former president of India, quoted in his autobiography that “Teachers are the nation builders.” Therefore, students may develop being moral citizens, which may create peaceful society that would make this world better place to live.

Furthermore, Inclined communication skills, is another crucial factor. To explain it, proper guidance and peer pressure forms formal environment to lead a constructive life with better skills to express their feelings. As a. These factors are extremely important to a child’s intellectual development. As a report published by, “Child care and development department, Japan", Juvenile mental development in terms of learning new concepts develops at 56.7% more rapidly if they learn with fun under a controlled environment. Therefore, establishment of friendships can both have fun and improve their learning outcomes that may help to maintain social relationships and mental development respectively.

Paradoxically, broaden horizon, is unavoidable reason of favoring online studies, as they cater chance to explore international facts and figures as well as current affairs related to different fields. Consequently, enlightened interns may have greater possibility to embrace better opportunity in shape of higher education further leading to greater job opportunities in upcoming life.

To conclude, moral literacy and developed communication, are the reasons of my wide disagreement with deterring school learning in front of digital content availability.


Schools: Education Centre, Learning hub, Academies.

Necessary: Compulsory, Mandatory, needed.

Information: Facts, Knowledge.

Peer: companion, co-equals.

Broaden horizon: larger perspective.


4. Young people who commit serious crimes such as robbery, or a violent attack should be punished in the same way as adults. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Sample answer

It is strongly arguedthat, juvenile sentences against severe offences ought to be equivalent to the adults. Except in certain cases, I largely disagree with the given statement because of, influence and lack of awareness.

To begin with, firstly,impact of fellows, is the pre-dominant reason. To explain it, children behind bars may become friends with the other serious criminals inside the jail, who can leave permanent impression on their immature senses along with learning more tactics to tackle rules against them, which could increase the severity of their crimes in future.A recent study published by, “Anthropology department, Japan”, stated that once human beings exposed to their fears then they develop tendency to be fearless afterwards.As a result, character of youngsters may rotten which could turn them into professional criminal that could be dangerous for the social harmony.

Moving further,blur perception, is another crucial factor. In other words, usually people in their youthful days have lesser knowledge about the consequences of their acts, as they attempt such tasks to prove to be daring or they are soft targets for the manipulators who wash their brains and push them to do such activities, as well as unfair investigations may lead to serious problems in their lives.As a survey , conducted by, “The Tribune”, revealed that,under 18 years of age masses found to be 67% more aggressive than other age groups. Subsequently, situations may have adverse effect that may harm their thought process for long term and can ruin their social life permanently which could prevent them to live a normal life afterwards.

However,setting example, is unavoidable reason for setting same punishments, because, society would be aware of the results of attempting illegal acts whilst watching any individual going through a particular retribution, especially the minors.Therefore,children may become enlightened in terms of right and wrong which would be fruitful for them and their community as well.

To conclude, hold of peers and lack of knowledge, are the reasons of my wide disagreement with the penalizing minor aged people and keen criminals identically.


Punishment: Sentence, Penalty, castigation

Awareness: Recognition, cognizance, perception

Fellow: Peers, companions, partners

Influence: Effect, Impact, sway

Aggression: Hostility, Truculence, antagonism
