1. Topic: Scientists predict in the near future cars will be driven by computers, not people. Do you think it is a positive or negative development?

Sample Answer,

In this digital age, researchers assumed vehicles being self-operated rather than human beings. This trend seems to be positive in nature because of, better time utilization and increased security.

To begin with, firstly, effective time management, is the pre-dominant reason. To explain it, whilst commuting the passengers could allocate this time to other important tasks instead of concentrating on driving, which may increase their productivity. As a survey, conducted by, “The tribune “, revealed that, professionals using cabs to go their offices tend to be more 73.48% energetic compared to those who drive themselves. As a result, better time usage may not only let people to be more focused but also helps to remain stress free that assist them to lead a more satisfied life.

Furthermore, increased safety, is the another potential factor. To elaborate it,  autonomous vehicles can accurately navigate their way with less chance of making errors in judgment like human drivers do where  t the majority of traffic accidents come from situations where speed or alcohol is involved, which would not be the case if cars are operated by computers. As report published by,” The new York times, stated that 87% road accidents took place because of alcohol intake by drivers. Thus, such technology will inspire a new generation of mechanics and engineers, in turn, leading to more inventions that will make human life easier and more comfortable.

To  conclude, time efficiency and road safety , are the reasons of positive development of intelligent cars.


Drive: Operate, handle, navigate

Majority: Most, Greater, main

Commute: Travel, transit, journey

Accidents: Mishap, Misfortune, Mischance

Productive: Fruitful, Yield, Fertile


2. Topic: Some universities now offer their courses on internet So that people can study online. Is this positive or negative development?

Sample answer

In many universities, distance learning through an online platform is provided for students as an option to replace traditional classroom. I think drawbacks of this pale in comparison with the benefits, because ofcharacter building and increased interpersonal skills.

To begin with, firstly, ethical values, is the predominant reason. To elaborate it, ability of teachers to train learners with respect to their calibre along with inculcating moral education, which would be beneficial for the whole society, for example, Dr. Abdul kalam, former president of India, quoted in his autobiography that “Teachers are the nation builders.” Therefore, students may develop being moral citizens, which may create peaceful society that would make this world better place to live.

Furthermore, Inclined communication skills, is another crucial factor. To explain it, proper guidance and peer pressure forms formal environment to lead a constructive life with better skills to express their feelings. As a. These factors are extremely important to ascholar’sintellectual development. As a report , published by, “Osaka university , Japan”,discipline develop sense of competition upto60.7% more positively while they learn with fun under a controlled environment. Therefore, establishment of friendships can both have fun and improve their learning outcomes that may help to maintain social relationships and mental development respectively.

To conclude, moral literacy and developed communication, are the reasons ofmore pros than cons of educational hubs providing online education instead of real time classes.


University: academy, educational institutions.

Calibre: capability, merit, quality.

Beneficial: advantageous, favourable, useful.

Peaceful: pleasant, tranquil, harmonious.

Discipline: strictness, control, a firm hand.


3. Topic: In many countries school age children spend their free time doing homework. Is this positive or negative development?

Sample Answer,

Trend of allocating maximum leisure time to perform school assignments at home is growing at alarming rate in numerous nations. This trend seems to be negative in nature, because of, sedentary lifestyle and deteriorated psychomotor skills.

To begin with, firstly, lethargic attitude, is the pre-dominant reason. To elaborate it, indulging in text books effectively prevent kids to go for extra activities, which not only interrupts their physical growth but also overshadows their creativity that permanently make them lazy in doing outdoor tasks. As a survey, conducted by, “World Health Organization”, revealed that, 83.32% Pre-primary student found to be obese due to prolonger sitting hours at schools and homes. As a result, stagnation in physical development may be witnessed, which could further lead to severe health problems and diseases that may be deterrent to quality life of them.

Glancing further, impaired cognition, is another potential factor. In other words, learners remaining under stress of homework would only be limited to writing and reading words which could adversely affect their communication and other practical skills necessary for cultivating better opportunities in life ahead. As per suggestions of psychologists, disciples participating in games develop better sense of team work as compared to the other frequently busy with books. Consequently, lack of skills may affect overall personality development of the pupils which could cease various opportunities in their career path as well as may imbalance their person and professional life.

To conclude, passive behavior and decaying pragmatic skills, are the reasons of negative development of, toddlers remaining occupied with schoolwork during their play time.


Lazy: Sedentary, lethargic, passive

Practical: Pragmatic, Empirical, realistic

Homework: Lessons, assignments, schoolwork

Activity: Pursuit, Venture, Occupation

Decrease: Decay, Diminish, Decline
