1. It is difficult for people in the cities to get enough physical exercise. What are the causes and solution.

Sample Answer,

As cities are providing numerous benefits to people but there are some parts as physical exercise which are neglected by individuals in cities. This essay will discuss various potential causes such as lack of time and increase in cost of all unities along with its solution as making the time tables and government should provide the free or limited fee facilities.

To begin with, firstly, people in cities are having hectic schedules, to explain it, people have very less time as per to redeem the demands of life. As per the survey revealed by ‘’Delhi times’’ stated that, 92% of people just gave the reason for not joining the gyms or other playing activities as busy schedules. To solve this, individuals should make their own time table to manage their time as well as this will help them to make time for families as well as personal life.

Furthermore, inflation is another reason for not paying attention towards physical activities. In other words, as in fast pace world people are facing problems towards inflation because things are getting expensive and individuals face problem towards managing things. As per a report of times of Mumbai revealed that 82% pupils are facing the problems related to inflation and are not able to spend the time with family also because they spend time to earn more money. To mitigate this, government should spend money on cracking the gyms or fitness areas at very minimal cost or free of cost so that people can work on that.

To conclude, providing free facilities for customers and including time tables in individuals life are the solutions of things getting expensive and people are having less time are causes that people spend negligible time towards physical activities


Numerous: multiple, various, diverse.

Neglect: disregard, overseen, careless.

Hectic: chaotic, unsettling, engaging.

Revealed: reported, disclosed, brought to light.

Mitigate: weaken, reduce, lessen.


2. People who live in large cities face a range of problems in their daily lives? What are the problems? How these can be tackled?

Sample Answer,

These days increasing number of people are living in big cities and thus are expanding all the time. However, this brings in a host of significant problems. This essay will discuss various potential problems as huge prices of properties and pollution along with its solution as government should introduce basic house and making more rules.

To begin with, firstly, one of the biggest problems faced by every individual are high prices of property, to explain it, in many cities bring a house near the city centre in commercial areas is out of the reach for people who have average salaries. For instance, in Chandigarh the cost of even one bed room flat is too expensive to purchase for many people. To solve this, government could put more resources with building affordable housing which would allow more people to buy their own homes.

Furthermore, another issue is traffic and air pollution. In other words, most big cities are saturated with personal vehicles and there is a great deal of traffic congestion and the exhaust fumes from these vehicles cause air pollution. As per the survey revealed by WHO (world health organization) stated that in 2016 air pollution contributes to the premature death of 2 million Indians every year who lived in cities. This problem can be addressed by introducing a congestion change the automobiles while entering to city centre so unwanted people may reduce the intro to cities.

To conclude, government should be providing reasonable housing and introducing the cutting tickets are the solutions of high property prices and pollution are problems faced by people in cities these days.


Brings in: enables, leads to.

Expanding: advancing, enlarging.

Affordable: economical, cost effective, feasible.

Premature: early, untimely, inopportune.

Purchase: acquire, procure, buy.


3. Nowadays in many countries, young people do not communicate with older people as much as they used to do. Why is this happening? How could this be solved?

Sample Answer,

Unlike past, youth tend to interact no more with elderly people. This essay will discuss various potential reasons like, hectic schedules and generation gap, along with its possible solutions like,effective time management and efforts of both age groups.

To begin with, Initially, over-occupied lifestyle, is the pre-dominant reason. To elaborate it, this age of competition force youngsters to blindly run after their dreams, which effectivelysnatch opportunity to spend quality time with their grandparents, which eventually blurs the connectivity and bonding of both the generations. As a survey, conducted by, “The New York Times, America”, revealed that, 77.50% scholars attend triple tuitions of 3 hours sessions to crack competitive exams. To tackle this scenario,young folks should make time tables to lead a balanced life where they can exchange thoughts with their elders that could be fruitful for their upcoming life as well.

Furthermore, distinction of perception, is another crucial cause. In other words, old age masses driven by primitive thought process while the youngers walk on advanced edge , which create void between the two generations , further leading to discomfort while setting dialogues as well as prevents them to have a healthy conversation. For example, teenagers are usually fond of technical devices which irritates the grandparents who loves to talk about past era and vice versa is true as well. To address this situation, both the age groups not only need to be tolerant to the differences but also should raise standard of understandingeach other , in order to create a better environment.

To conclude, approaches to spare time by youth and attempts to reduce ever widening slit from both the sides , are the solutions of , busy lives and different perspectives, like reasons of , declined interaction of adults and senior citizens.


Young people: youth, youngsters, young adults

Old people: elderly people, older masses, senior citizens

Generation gap: different perspective, distinction of perception, opposite thought process

Communication: Interaction, dialogue, conversation

Hectic schedules: Over occupied lifestyle, busy lives, tight schedules


4. Topic: Animal species are becoming extinct due to various human activities on earth and in sea. What are the reasons and solution to this?

Sample Answer,

Nowadays, most of the animal race is on the verge of extinction because of the numerous things done by people on earth and in water bodies. This essay will discuss various potential reasonssuch as deforestation and chemical waste, along with its solutions like afforestation and stringent environmental rules.

To begin with, firstly, trees being cut down is the predominant reason. To explain it, as population is increasing day by day, people need more and morespace for living and working, for that purpose trees are cut down as a result, birds as well as other species are facing problems to live. As a survey, conducted by ‘The Tribune’, revealed that 81.6% of the forest are destroyed throughout India for building residential and industrial areas. To deal with this,new natural parks and wildlife sanctuaries should be made for birds meanwhile, individuals should plant more trees for making good living places for species on land.

Furthermore,chemical waste thrown in rivers is another reason for deterioration of aquatic life. In other words, these days as number of factories are increasing leading to an increase inallocation of waste from industries being thrown in rivers and cannels which make the water polluted. For example, polar bears are not visible these days as only chemicals found from the water sources. To tackle this, government should implement strict laws against these factory owners, so that they should quit using these methods, along with this, landfills or land dumps to avoid these circumstances.

To conclude, growing more number of trees and also authorities should take actions towards saving the water pollution are the solution of space utilisation for living and making factories. These waste thrown in river which polluting water are the reason of animal extinction from both land and sea.


Species: Flora and Fauna,animal race, aquatic life

Deforestation: trees cut down,Forestdecay, clearing green belt

Afforestation: planting more trees, increasing forest area

Sea: water bodies, rivers, Aqua belt

Land: Earth, ground, planet
