Student Union Registration Form

Name: Stefan Unger
Degree programme: 1 _______
Department: 2________
Leisure activities: 3 _________
Language(s) (apart from English): 4__________
Type of accommodation: 5___________
Contact number: 6___________

Questions 7 — 10
Answer the questions below.
Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.
7 When can students use the photocopier? ……………..
8 Where are events usually held? ……………..
9 Which Union officer is responsible for van hire? ……………..
10 What will Union members be able to get a discount on? …………….

SECTION 2 Questions 11 — 20
Questions 11 — 15
Label the plan below.
Choose FIVE answers from the box and write the correct letter A— G next to Questions 11 — 15.

A Arts section
B Computers
C Languages section
D Law
E Magazines
F Science
G study desks

Questions 16 — 20
Complete the notes below.
Library system:
Maximum borrowing period: 16 …………..
Renew books in person or by: 17 …………..
Overdue charge: 18 …………..
Unavailable books: complete 19 …………..
Extra services: 20 …………..

SECTION 3 Questions 21 — 30
Questions 21 — 28
Complete the flow-chart below.
Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.

Find details of conference themes on 21 ………………

Check rules for submission, e.g. 22 ………… of paper.

Write paper on 23 …………. work.

Check any data is in a suitable 24 ……………...

Hand in paper to the 25 ……………… for checking.

Make any necessary 26 ………….. , then submit paper.

If accepted, send in details of your 27………………. requirements.

Send conference organizers a personal profile for the 28 ………………………….

Questions 29 — 30
Choose TWO letters, A — E.
Which TWO things does Kirsten plan to do to prepare her conference paper?
A read another student’s thesis
B collect more data
C talk to some postgraduates
D contact a Professor at another university
E inspect a building site

SECTION 4 Questions 31— 40

Questions 31 — 35
Complete the sentences below.
Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS fir each answer.
Mobile phones now have the technology to
• send 31 …………… of where the sender is.
• watch 32…………. , in real time.
• send 33 …………… with texts.
• inform students about lectures which are 34 …………….
• transfer 35 …………… to a computer.
Questions 36 — 40
Which group of people are the main users of mobile phones for the following purposes?
Write the correct letter, A, B or C next to Questions 36 — 40.

A women
B men
C men and women

Ways of Using Mobile Phones
36 to access information ……………..
37 to stay in touch ……………..
38 for business ……………..
39 to store personal photos …………….
40 as a camera . . . …….