Practice test 5

Questions 1-10

Complete the notes below.

Write ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.


Cruise on a lake


• Travel on an old.........steamship.........

• Can take photos of the 1 that surround the lake

Farm visit

• Children can help feed the sheep

• Visit can include a 40-minute ride on a 2

• Visitors can walk in the farm’s 3 by the lake

4 is available at extra cost

Cycling trips

• Cyclists explore the Back Road

• A 5 is provided

• Only suitable for cyclists who have some 6

- Bikes can be hired from 7 (near the Cruise Ship Terminal)

• Cyclists need:

- a repair kit

- food and drink

- a 8 (can be hired)

• There are no 9 or accommodation in the area


• Total cost for whole family of cruise and farm visit: 10 $

Questions 11-20

Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.

Talk to new kitchen assistants

11 According to the manager, what do most people like about the job of kitchen assistant?

A the variety of work.

B the friendly atmosphere.

C the opportunities for promotion.

12 The manager is concerned about some of the new staff’s

A jewellery.

B hair styles.

C shoes.

13 The manager says that the day is likely to be busy for kitchen staff because

A it is a public holiday.

B the head chef is absent.

C the restaurant is almost fully booked.

14 Only kitchen staff who are 18 or older are allowed to use

A the waste disposal unit.

B the electric mixer.

C the meat slicer.

Questions 15-16
Choose TWO letters, A-E.

According to the manager, which TWO things can make the job of kitchen assistant stressful?

A They have to follow orders immediately.

B The kitchen gets very hot.

C They may not be able to take a break.

D They have to do overtime.

E The work is physically demanding.

Questions 17-20

What is the responsibility of each of the following restaurant staff?

Choose FOUR answers from the box and write the correct letter, A-F, next to Questions 7-10.


A training courses

B food stocks

C first aid

D breakages

E staff discounts

F timetables

Restaurant staff

17 Joy Parkins _____________

18 David Field ____________

19 Dexter Wills ____________

20 Mike Smith _______________

Questions 21-23
Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.
Paper on Public Libraries

21 What will be the main topic of Trudie and Stewart’s paper?

A how public library services are organised in different countries

B how changes in society are reflected in public libraries

C how the funding of public libraries has changed

22 They agree that one disadvantage of free digitalised books is that

A they may take a long time to read.

B they can be difficult to read.

C they are generally old.

23 Stewart expects that in the future libraries will

A maintain their traditional function.

B become centres for local communities.

C no longer contain any books.

Questions 24-30
Complete the notes below.
Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.
Study of local library: possible questions

• whether it has a 24_____________ of its own

• its policy regarding noise of various kinds

• how it’s affected by laws regarding all aspects of 25___________

• how the design needs to take the 26____________ of customers into account

• what 27____________ is required in case of accidents

• why a famous person’s 28_____________ is located in the library

• whether it has a 29____________ of local organisations

• how it’s different from a library in a 30______________

Questions 31-40

Complete the notes below.

Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.

Four business values

Many business values can result in 31___________

Senior managers need to understand and deal with the potential 32____________ that may result.


During a training course, the speaker was in a team that had to build a 33_____________

Other teams experienced 34____________ from trying to collaborate.

The speaker's team won because they, reduced collaboration.

Sales of a 35____________ were poor because of collaboration.


Hard work may be a bad use of various company 36____________

The word 'lazy' in this context refers to people who avoid doing tasks that are 37___________


An advertising campaign for a 38___________ was memorable but failed to boost sales.

Creativity should be used as a response to a particular 39____________


According to one study, on average, pioneers had a 40__________ that was far higher than that of followers.

Companies that always aim at excellence may miss opportunities.